The IoTGtw MQTTSN Service uses the industry standard MQTTSN (1.2) for publishing data between the IoT device and the platforms (SAP) in a simple but efficient way.
The service supports:
1. Blob over MQTTSN – Fully transparent MQTTSN service for Private SAP. The service mainly consists of correlating and performing acknowledgement to/from the device using native MQTTSN capabilities.
2. SimplyTiny over MQTTSN – MQTTSN published payload is a SimplyTiny formatted structure (SimplyTiny Message). The SimplyTiny attributes are extracted from the message. The actual device payload is also extracted from the SimplyTiny message.
The MQTTSN services both support acknowledgements (puback)
The SimplyTiny over MQTTSN in addition to the native MQTTSN AcK also supports SimplyTiny Ack.
The SimplyTiny over MQTTSN supports device bootstrapping service, device auth token auto update and be used to convey meta-data information such as GPS coordinates, power usage statistics, relative signal strength information and device timestamp.
For more info refer to the IoT Device Bootstrapping Service Section