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  4. Device Object Parameters

Device Object Parameters


[type=string, max-char=40, example: 38ce09ef5e94e5565c426d3e]

This is the global unique device id  automatically assigned by IoTGtw at device creation time. This field is required when performing batch “update” operation.



[type=number, max-char=17, example: 204013456123456]

This field may be used for cellular devices to provide their unique IMSI ID (this field must be provided if the radius authentication service over 3GPP mobile network is configured/enabled). If provided the value must be a valid globally unique international mobile subscriber identity (IMSI) of the SIM card used by the device).



[type=string, max-char=17, example: 35576205279355]

This field may be used for cellular devices to provide their IMEI (SV). One or more device objects may be configured with the same IMEI(SV).



[type=string, max-char=40, example: iot_7aiud]

This is a custom device identitty and may be used to provide a customer own device identity. This id value must be a unique value within the customer account. For example this can be the id with which the device is identified on the customer upstream application servers.



[type=string, max-char=40, example: GAS_METER_CSM]

This field may be used to provide a name tag for the device – the same name tag may be configured for one or more devices.



[type=string, max-char=40, required, example: conf_profile_3_CSM]

This field is used to associate one of the service_template on the customer account to this device. This field is mandatory for both create/update batch operations.



[type=boolean, example: true]

This field  is used to specify the device operational state and must be set to either true (meaning enabled) or false (meaning disabled). Devices in disabled will not be able to perform any messaging operations. This field is mandatory for create/update batch operations.



[type=string, max-char=40, example: CSM_lwM2M_v1.2]

This field may be used to provide a type tag for the device – the same tag may be configured for one or more devices.



[type=string, max-char=40, example: GMv5 ]

This field may be used to provide a model tag for the device – the same tag may be configured for one or more devices.



[type=string, max-char=40, example: csm_oma_lw_v.1.2]

This field may be used to provide a firmware tag for the device – the same tag may be configured for one or more devices.



[type=string, max-char=17, example:]

Case 1: This field may be used to provide the static public IP address that the device will be connecting with, the specific ServiceAccessPoint (SAP) the device is expected to connect to must be specified in the field static_ip_sap_list otherwise connection attempts will be rejected.

Case 2: This field may be left blank (IP auto detect) if the device uses the SimplyTiny for IoT string format. Ensure device uses a SAP that is setup with the corresponding sec_mode_2 authentication (Check the details of the SAP intended to be used). The IP address of the device that is successfully authenticated will be auto updated to this field.

Case 3: If radius authentication to cellular mobile network is enabled and setup on this customer account / device (on the service template associated to the device) then the following options apply: A) This field may be used to configure the public or private IP (static IP) that will be passed on to the mobile network during APN PDN Session establishment or B) if the APN on the mobile network side is configured to use dynamic public/private IP  then this field can be left blank/omitted in which case the device IP address will be automatically retrieved from the mobile network and updated to this field.



[type=integer, max-char=7, example: 5343]

Not required to be set, this field is auto updated with the last source port seen from the device.



[type=string, max-char=7, example: coap]

Not required to be set, this field is auto updated with the last app protocol seen from the device set to the supported known protocol such as coap or raw.



[ type=array, example: ['private_sap_x', 'iot4all'] ]

This field is only required when the device is setup to use static public IP (see device_ip) description. One or more SAP can be provided in an array format of [“sap_x”] or [“sap_x”, “sap_y”, “sap_z”]. All SAP id populated in the array must be a valid SAP available to the customer account.



[type=string, max-char=17, example: 35.755783]

This value is used for plotting the device location on the portal map. If value is provided it will be stored and used for plotting the device location on the portal map. If the device uses the SimplyTiny for IoT format and supplies the gps location in the appropriate fields then this field will be auto updated.



[type=string, max-char=17, example: -116.360066]

This value is used for plotting the device location on the portal map. If value is provided it will be stored and used for plotting the device location on the portal map. If the device uses the SimplyTiny for IoT format and supplies the gps location in the appropriate fields then this field will be auto updated.


[type=string, max-char=50, example: 5c4FD_0ev]

This field may be provided if device will be using the SimplyTiny for IoT format (SAP sec_mode_2, etc). If an device auth token is set in this field then devices using the sec_mode SimplyTiny for IoT format must provide a matching token or access will be rejected. The pre-configured auth token of devices can also be auto captured and stored at the next event (if auto_capture_device_token field is set to true) see below.



[type=boolean, example: true]

This field may be provided if device will be using the SimplyTiny for IoT format (SAP sec_mode_2, etc). If set to true AND the device_token field is empty the the the auth token presented by device at the next event will be captured and stored to be used for subsequent device authentication.


device_ bootstrap_mode

[type=boolean, example: true]

This field can be set to put the device into bootstrap mode and allow the device to (re)bootstrap. When set to true, device can request to be bootstrapped and to receive platform settings. Device can send a bootstrap request by using the SimplyTiny for IoT format with the message-type-indication field set to 9 and by providing the bootstrap token matching the set value in the device_bootstrap_token field. On receiving the request, the platform will respond with the settings as described in the SimplyTiny for IoT section.  As soon as device acknowledges the receipt of the settings this field is reset back to false.



[type=string, max-char=50, example: 434dl$sf9s8udDR4G52d16Tvf2]

This field may be set with the default bootstrap token that device must present everytime it attempts to (re)bootstrap using the SimplyTiny for IoT string formatting.



[type=string, max-char=600]

Device X.509 certificate in PEM format for TLS / DTLS auth –  Only applicable for managed_tls or managed_dtls services (if the service is enabled on the service template to be associated to this device).



[type=string, max-char=40, example: dev021001]

If radius authentication to cellular mobile network is enabled and setup on this customer account / device AND on the service_template radius_authentication_level is set to imsi then the radius_username / radius_password configured on the device object will be used for authentication during APN PDN connection establishment.



[type=string, max-char=40, example: x2Ws_i1H56P]

If radius authentication to cellular mobile network is enabled and setup on this customer account / device AND on the service_template radius_authentication_level is set to imsi then the radius_username / radius_password configured on the device object will be used for authentication during APN PDN connection establishment.



[type=string, max-char=255]

This field may hold any additional arbitrary values /information customer wishes to store/link to this device object.



[type=string, max-char=255]

This field may hold any additional arbitrary values /information customer wishes to store/link to this device object.

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